Well, I've missed the first 2 weeks of it, but July is National Ice Cream Month. I love ice cream. The only way to make this any better would be to make it National CHOCOLATE Ice Cream month. But according to American Food Holidays site, Chocolate Ice Cream Day is in June. What's that about?
Anyway, I haven't been ignoring it. In the few spare minutes I've had, I actually went in search of an ice cream maker. I mean, a person really OUGHT to have an ice cream maker, especially they live in the hottest part of the universe. What better way to keep cool with all your favorite flavors? And what better month to take the plunge into homemade frozen ... stuff?
My first venture was to my local Target. Would you believe it - no ice cream makers. Not one. I searched around online and couldn't make a decision. And then - yesterday while at the grocery store - I found one! I'm not too sure of the quality. I mean, it was in one of those "beat the heat" party displays, with other high-tech toys like the "make your own cotton candy" machine, and the fabulous home version of the hot dog rotator, so you too can have burnt hot dogs just like at the ball park. Honestly, these devices look to be one step above the Easy Bake Oven.
I had my doubts about the quality of the ice cream maker too, but ... I had to try it, and it was cheap. It came with a bucket (for freezing your "Amazing Homemade Gourmet Ice Cream", four packets of Quick and Easy Ice Cream mix, and 3 little bottles of flavoring.
The inner container is in the freezer now, only hours away from my first attempt at making ice cream. Hopefully I'll have something cold and brown and homemade to blog about for Chocolate Friday. Heh, I guess even if it's a disaster, I'll have something to blog about. Wish me luck!
Oh, and in case you're interested, the Bizarre Holidays site lists these special ice cream days in July as well:
- Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day--July 1
- National Strawberry Sundae Day--July 7
- National Peach Ice Cream Day--July 17
- National Ice Cream Day--July 18
- National Vanilla Ice Cream Day--July 23
No chocolate on that list anywhere. What is that about????? Redemption can be found back on the American Holidays list, where July 25th is National Hot Fudge Sundae Day, and July 26th is National Coffee Milkshake Day. I may just have to slide those two together.