My previous posts about tea and chocolate have focused mostly on chocolate flavor in tea, a la hints of cocoa to be found in various yunnan gold teas, or on chocolate goodies to be served with tea.
Today I'm anxious to try a new kind of chocolate - a culinary concoction combining tea and chocolate, created and co-branded by Charles Chocolates and Teance Fine Teas. According to this article on Culinary Muse:
There are a few chocolate bars on the market that add dried tea leaves to plain chocolate and call it a day. This new collection goes beyond the simple stirring of ingredients together. Experienced alchemists are at work here. By infusing cream with the highest grade teas and then adding milk and bittersweet chocolate to create a ganache, Chef Marika Doob of Charles Chocolates and Winnie Yu of Teance Fine Teas have created a new dimension of chocolates.
These tea chocolates come in five different flavors: Formosa Baochong, Special Jasmine, Osmanthus, Lichee and Charcoal Roasted Oolong. The Muse says they're available on the Charles website, so I went in search. I found them here, under edible chocolate boxes of all things. $60 for 14oz of chocolate. Must be really GOOD chocolate.
I would really like to try that jasmine tea chocolate. Sounds delish! Something for the Christmas wish list!!