Ok, maybe this isn't quite a tragedy. But damn, color me disappointed. I went to make a cuppa using my Agadio IngenuiTEA the other day and found the net/infuser/filter had mold on the underside. On the UNDERside, between the filter and the plastic bottom. I was gonna take a picture to show here, but really, it's just too gross.
Now, I know the mold is not Adagio's fault. It's the fault of the dummy - who shall remain nameless even though her name is Christine - who left wet tea leaves in it for ... a really long time.
The problem is, the thing is not dismantle-able. If that's not a real word, it should be. I can't take it apart to clean off the mold which seems to have bonded permanently to the tight mesh of the filter. I ran it through the dishwasher. I tried blasting it with the super-high-power hot water blaster. I tried yelling at it. Nothing works.
The good news is, when I went to Adagio's website to complain about this bad design, I saw that they have a new model. I'm not sure they've solved this particular problem, but I love the thing so much that I went ahead and ordered one. AND a replacement infuser thingee. And of course, I had to order a sample of some of their holiday teas while I was there.
Now comes the hard part. Waiting for it to arrive.
Color me disappointed AND impatient.
Chlorine bleach! A great suggestion. I tried it, and it did get rid of about 70% of the mold. Unfortunately, it didn't clear it all up. If I didn't have a new one coming soon, I might try harder, but would it ever clear it up entirely? I'm a little wary of anything to do with mold left in crevices and all that.
Posted by: Christine | October 18, 2006 at 08:51 AM
Did you try chlorine bleach?
Posted by: | October 17, 2006 at 06:54 PM