Coffee, Tea or Chocolate

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September 21, 2006


cv dodels

Is it absolutely necessary to use whole wheat flour as I would probably not use it again. Please advise. Thank you. CV

cv dodels

I would love to make this recipe but is it absolutely necessary to use whole wheat flour. I would not need it again. Than you , please advise.


Kat, my policy is sharing is never required. Of course, if you're entertaining, that's different. But you could always make one for the guests, and another one just for your own bad self. Heheh. :)


I think I want to have a brunch just to serve this. But then again, would I have to share?


Just for fun I used Weight Watcher's Recipe builder to give me point values for one serving. If I made 8 servings from this torte, each serving would be 7 points. I get 20 points for all day, Hmmmmm! I could do it if I was very careful what I ate the rest of the day. You can tell I am a real sweet tooth, I would eat this instead of my main course of meat and vege.

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