Coffee, Tea or Chocolate

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May 05, 2006


south american coffee

Such a great dink..


I'M looking for the Mexecan coffe
that is purted---expresso coffe
were the hard cone sugar is gradedinto the fresh ground coffe dark-dark roast perable . plain nothing excpet the disk of Mexican chcolate to taste is rough grated over the coffe;sugar. cinnomen is also[a bite you if i can fell on the tounge when tasted alone]

op serve with thick cream and unadultered vinilla. in hot weather
Ive severed it with ice cream in places of thick cream.

thanks you for help in finding this
[desert coffe] though it's awsome with a plater of stuffed 'HOT" pepers from seron to bell to the tiny got-u Tie peppers--fillwe mohogane to non ssticky white rice;
vegies and beans on hand. root vegies will work too.[not to point of mush need to reflect chrispness of the not over cooked peppers. chesse--paplono etc op side condament.
thanks for your help with this quest--.
Marg. snail mail answer to 311 sw woodlawn topeka ks 66606--my email been bit qurkiy of late


Wow, Vicki that sounds delicious. Sugar roasted beans! I'd like to try that.


While vacationing in Manzanillo, Mexican friends and I went to outdoor cafe for dinner. After dinner we were served the best coffee... sugar roasted coffee beans boiled in a pot with cinammon sticks and it was poured over orange peels...we added more sugar and 'canned' milk...that was the best coffee I've ever had in my entire life....

In Mexico I would wander from place to place and order 'cafe con leche'...very dark sweet rich coffee with canned was addictive.

I've tried to duplicate coffee here without good must be the water!


Heh, the worm. The worm can make you crazy, or so I've heard.


Sure would help me sleep at night.


Whoa! Sounds good, but... with my luck, I'd get the worm (not an entirely bad thing, I'm sure except... I'm not too big on the worm. :-)).


hey, really missed your posting. will try this coffee sometime


Yuuum! Looks delicious! :)


Beautiful! What a great drink....

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