For Christmas we got a gift of two packages of powdered cappuccino mix, one Mocha, one Holiday Spice. They came in these pretty little holiday packages, complete with rock candy stir sticks. (The sugar sticks are so cute, I want to figure out how to make them!)
My past experience with powdered mixes hasn't been great, but I didn't want to pre-judge these mixes, because ... well, prejudging is bad. Trying is good. So I tried. I made myself a nice hot mocha cappuccino with a smidgy of whipped cream on top. Alas, half an hour later I was nauseous. There must be something in the mix that my stomach can't tolerate. Many years ago I was addicted to those International Coffee powdered mixes, but I had to give them up for the same reason. Nausea definitely beats addiction. I suppose if I ever wanted to seriously lose weight I should put something nauseating in my chocolate.
Well anyway. Mixes are not for me.
However, I'm not throwing them away. I found another good use for them - cooking! I made a second batch of the Mud Balls, and added 2 tablespoons of the Mocha mix, and manohman, what a great flavorful addition to the recipe. Delicio-so! I'm going through my recipes now to see what else I can "mix up".
There's no company name on the bag, but the URL on the back took me to Pelican Bay. I'm tempted to email them to say thanks for the great cooking mix. Heh.