Coffee, Tea or Chocolate

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December 30, 2005



do you have a chocolate dough mud ball recipe that you roll up, roll in sugar and when it bakes it comes out like a flat sugar cookie?

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I tried these also. They are awesome. Thanks so much.


I used to have these as a little kid. These are awesome. Thanks for the recipe.


Just saw that you made our favorite chocolate dessert of all time. We called them mountain bars when my kids were little and they never stayed around long. I added coconut to them - the only change from yours. These "cookies" were the way to many a childs friends as they always wanted to come over when I made these. (often!) Thanks for the memories....

Andrea R in Canada

Up here we call the exact same thing Frogs! :D


Ooooh. These look good and I just bought some new oatmeal to make granola...


oops! did not finish my name in my post above.


OH! YUMMM! more chocolate goodies,I have already taken my jar of chocolate treats, and put it up in a high cupboard so I have to go get my step stool to get a chocolate, or ask my sweetheart to reach one down for me. I found when the jar was on the counter, I would be taking a 'treat' every time I went by, baaaad !!! may as well just slap the chocolate right on my hips!
Yesterday i did not miss my ;treats' though, I did have one small piece of Mr. C's birthday cake.
Happy Happy New Year to You and Yours.

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