I'm not ready for it to be a new year already. I think we should adopt the Mayan tradition and celebrate the new year in July. Did you know the French used to celebrate it on March 25, until 1582, when they finally adopted the "reformed" calendar? That would be fine with me, I'd have another few months to slouch around.
Oh well. It's here, whether I'm ready or not. Time for looking back, and for planning ahead. A time for making fresh starts. I wondered who it was that started all this New Year's Resolution stuff anyway. According to infoplease.com's New Year's page:
It is believed that the Babylonians were the first to make New Year's resolutions, and people all over the world have been breaking them ever since. The early Christians believed the first day of the new year should be spent reflecting on past mistakes and resolving to improve oneself in the new year.
Lord. A friend of ours declined to join our New Year's gluttony and debauchery this evening. She's going to spend the night all by herself, reflecting, ruminating, revising and resolving. Criminy, what a waste of a good Saturday night.
Ok, ok, I'll do a list. But this year I'm going to be realistic about it. I usually set impossible goals, try to climb ginormous mountains, and give up after a few weeks. Why set myself up for failure yet again?
My 2006 New Year's Resolutions
1. Drink more good coffee
2. Drink at least one new flavor/kind of tea every month
3. Try a new decadent chocolate recipe at least once a month
4. Have a splendiferous fancy schmancy tea party once a month
5. See one new release movie each month
6. Do some exercises and yoga ... sometime or other
7. Eat something healthy ... once in a while, when I feel like it
8. Stop judging myself or comparing myself to others
9. Spend more quality time with my inner child
10. Do something creative - often
Now, there's a list I can live with.
So, my friends and relations, here's a tip of the cup to you and yours. I wish you all the best of all possible futures, and the warmest possible memories, for "auld lang syne".
New Year's History & Traditions:
* http://www.fathertimes.net/traditions.htm
* http://wilstar.com/holidays/newyear.htm
* http://www.infoplease.com/spot/newyearcelebrations.html