Coffee, Tea or Chocolate

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May 11, 2005


I thought this is a free clipart site - if not then I will delete immediately, as I would never ever steal from anyone!


Just found your site and I LOVE it! I am also drooling for that first issue of VICTORIA.I suggest we introduce as many people as possible to this amazing magazine. If take one side of the Mississippi River,I'll take the other. We'll go door to door,park bence to park bence.


>No lopping. I can't stand all that blood. eeeew.

For some reason, that reminded me of the couple of reactions I've had (comment/emails) to my mock haggis recipe for the Carnival of the Recipes this week...



What? Who's stealing from my site??? Thief! Off with yer head!! Off with yer ...

Just kidding. No lopping. I can't stand all that blood. eeeew.

Thanks! Now I can stop stealing stuff from your site!


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