This guy (writing about MSN's new blog thing) wrote a list of reasons why he blogs. Some of these items I can seriously relate to. And some sound like just the kind of delicious justification I need to keep and pull out when I feel guilty or self-indulgent about blogging. To wit (who talks like that??):
* Thinking is writing and writing is thinking. Blogs are a way to organize thoughts.
* Blogs give the illusion of an audience, like getting published in a book or a journal. So, blog entries are more thoughtful and complete than simply writing for oneself.
* A blog is a souvenir of life, like photographs. If I live for 50 more years, then I have some record of my last year in law school. Indeed, this could be the last year that I have enough free time to blog.
* A blog is a virtual notebook that can be searched electronically and accessed from anywhere. Plus, writing notes in a blog helps memory recall.
He also says blogging is like a coffee break. Which is sort of true. For me, it's more like blogging gives me something to do while I drink my coffee.
It's a question of which is the primary activity, and I definitely have MY priorities straight.
And I would add one more
- this blog, which is about something (as opposed to a strictly journal-style blog) gives me an excuse to research (which I love to do) something I love (coffee and tea) and learn, which is always a good thing