This is the coolest thing - a webcam set up to watch a momma eagle on her nest. When the eggs hatch, oh boy, this will be so great to watch. Thanks to my friend Phee for this link:
UPDATE: The eagle cam has moved! Thanks to Nancy for the new link.
I love animal cams. I like to check in on the panda cams ...
- San Diego Zoo's Panda Watch - I visited the San Diego Zoo many many years ago when they had their very first panda exhibit. They've also got an Ape Cam, a Polar Bear Cam and an Elephant Cam.
- Smithsonian National Park's Panda Cam - scroll down on the page to see the panda cam.
It's hard to see animals in a zoo environment. The wild cams are the best. But I love seeing the animals anyway.
wow tooooooooo cute!!! I would like to take a look of the pandas too!
I love Panda... and just bought a Morn Creations Panda Bag from the following Blogshop:
Nice to meet you.
Posted by: On On | July 08, 2009 at 12:04 AM
Nancy, thanks for the new link! I kept trying and couldn't connect. I was hoping they wouldn't just take it down, and I can sure understand the huge volumes of people who want to watch this. It's so frikken cool. I still haven't seen two adults at once, but I did see the eggs briefly when one of them shifted around. It's so cool.
Posted by: Christine | April 03, 2006 at 03:16 PM
They've moved this stream to a different "page": They're having some server problems because of the overwhelming # of hits the site has received, but they're working on straightening things out. The first egg is due to hatch April 26 or thereabout. :-) Just FYI!
Posted by: Nancy | April 03, 2006 at 02:44 PM