I'm so excited. I wasn't expecting them for another month at least. Maybe they're ahead of the rest of the flock. Advance guard, or something. I heard them in the trees when I went out to feed the birds yesterday morning. I only saw two of them, but I'm pretty sure I heard three. They lurked at the tops of the branches and squawk at me. Or maybe they're talking to each other, but it feels like a scolding and a urging, a raucous "c'mon we're huuuuunnnnnngrryyy!" And they are raucous. Lord what loud screechy birds they are. I can't imagine living with them inside a house.
Anyway, coincidentally, yesterday the hubs got a package - he had bought a tripod to replace the one he lost, so I can set up the bird cam in the window again!!!
A bright spot in my world.
Anyway, coincidentally, yesterday the hubs got a package
Posted by: ugg store | October 30, 2010 at 05:47 AM