That's me, I'm the silly blogger. I made myself laugh, blogsurfing the other day (and laughter is always a good thing, even when it's on your own bad self... ok, sometimes ESPECIALLY when it's on your own bad self...)
I followed a link to this blog, because I like Bruce Willis.
I thought it was another fan site, but the more I read the more I became convinced that it was the man his-own-self. Then a cynical nay-sayer in my head popped up and scoffed, actually scoffed at me, the fool, for thinking for one little minute the man himself would deign to BLOG. Couldn't be. Had to be a fake-out. On the internet, how can you ever know anybody is ever who they say they are? You can't. What made me think...
But I did, I had gotten all excited thinking it was Bruno, there in virtualosity, blogging like a real person. It seemed for a moment that all things were possible. The blogosphere had brought an idol close to hand, close enough to actually communicate with!
I laughed and laughed, I got such a huge giggle out of this little internal exchange. I mean, movie stars are real people too. They fart and scratch and stink, just like the rest of us. But the object of the swoon has never been close or available. And that little part of me that's still capable of having crushes on movie stars and musicians can still swoon and moon and croon, and boy did she jump up hopeful. Silly wabbit.
I don't know if it really is Bruce Willis' site, I don't know how a person could ever confirm such a thing, but just for grins, I went in search of other famous people's blogs. Didn't find much, I'm afraid. I did find this old post: Famous People Who Blog, but there's not much on the list.
I guess with the advent of the blogosphere, we've opened up a new opportunities for whackos and weirdos - blogstalking. Eeewwww, scary!
Haha... cute post. I know what you mean about being fooled. It happened to me about three years ago when I really thought I was reading about the daily escapades of Michael Jackson. Didn't last long till I realized it was a farce, but still.
This can be fun though. One of my favorite blogs to visit is called "Ask the Pope." It's quite comical. Nothing disrespectful at all (well, usually) where the real Pope is concerned.... but just purely funny.
You can check it out in a link on my blog sidebar. I think you'd get a kick out of it. People write in everyday and everyone plays along.
Posted by: Weary Hag | October 20, 2005 at 05:02 AM