
  • The realm of the soul is the realm of dreams, of creativity, of emotion, and the true spark of life in every life.
    Christine Torres

    Dreams show us how to find a meaning in our lives, how to fulfill our own destiny, how to realize the greater potential of life within us.
    Marie Louise von Franz

    We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth.
    Carl Jung

    Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either.
    Golda Meir

Something in My Eye

  • Not OZ (Stuff from my own back yard...)

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Heh. He does indeed have the midas touch when it comes to all things electronic. It's a totally magical unexplainable thing. I might have thought it applied to the working of the camera, but I didn't realize it applied to actual picture taking. I keep hoping his magic will rub off on me, but so far, no luck.



It's like this: Wonder Woman complains of a problem with her computer. I trot on over (while it's still acting up), sit down, touch the keyboard and... problem goes away.


Sometimes my magic touch amazes me.

Could hubs have a similar Midas Touch with cameras?

Nancy Bond

...and then, along comes the hubs, with the camera in one hand, thumb on the clicker, not even bothering to look in the viewfinder or focus or check the settings or anything, and he gets this priceless shot of Pennie, smiling and happy in the grass.

This is, indeed, the way of the photography gods. I remember a similar incident when I was helping my younger daughter, Erin, with a 4-H photography project. She, my best friend and I had gone to the beach, thinking she could find some inspiring things to photograph at sunset. She got some interesting pictures--some blurred, some too close--but her "winning" shot was one she took of my friend and I as we walked toward the water's edge. With her little instamatic camera, she somehow managed to capture us in a perfectly exposed silhouette against the setting sun and I still keep the photo in a frame on my desk. :) Neither my friend nor I even knew she took the photo.

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