The last few days I've been swarmed by ants (my feet are STILL swollen from all the bites), overrun by mice, and last night the finger of god blew through our neighborhood.
Ok, maybe not the finger. Maybe the pinky toe. It was a scary storm, though, we truly thought the roof was coming off. The weather channel said flood warnings and 60 MPH winds, but it felt like a lot more than that. When the worst of it had passed, we heard sirens all around us. Trees had blown over and were blocking the streets, power was out for a large chunk of the grid 1 block north of us. Apparently we were on the very EDGE of the worst of it. Cripes. I can't imagine what it was like in the center.
The hubs went out - in the dark - in the rain - and climbed the roof to see how bad the damage actually was. It could have been a lot worse.
But I hate it when he does stuff like that. He scares the crap out of me, and he's so confident he won't fall or get hurt, but he can't control the wind. I nearly had a heart attack waiting for him to come down safely.
Here are a few photos from the morning after. Some of the stuff in our yard is from our own house, but some of it came from somebody else's.
This used to be a pretty rose trellis, now completely smashed. I'm not sure where the wood trellis pieces went. The wind took them.
Me trying to be artsy fartsy. The wind blew a lot of crap into the pool, again, some of it ours, and some of it from god knows where. Somebody 3 blocks over is missing a couple of buckets, some roof insulation, a boatload of that little white popcorn stuff for packing (now covering my patio) and a deck chair. I liked this shot of the morning sky reflected in the pool with some of the junk in the foreground.
The "morning after" sky. Looks like one of those "god relented" kinds of things, doesn't it?
Hey, I'm just glad we're not in the path of any hurricane. My sympathies to those of you who are!!
My oh my, I do love the sound and fury of a major storm. The wind whistling and the pounding rain are music to my ears. The damage, though, does not endear this storm to my heart. I am glad you weathered the worst and got through unscathed. If we added music to your last picture, it could be the earth surviving the onslaught of hideous aliens with a voiceover reminding us that life is precious and THEY could be back. Be alert!
Posted by: Kat | July 27, 2005 at 01:24 PM
I love powerful storms... just don't love the cleanup afterwards. Of course, I've missed hurricanes and had only close calls with tornadoes, so "love powerful storms" has its limit for me, too.
I've stopped scaring Wonder Woman so much with my climbing and other silly shennaigans. It's not that I've gotten wiser, it's just that I've gotten older, so much of that is simply more difficult to do.
Glad y'all are safe. Keep it so, please.
Posted by: David | July 27, 2005 at 11:59 AM
I like storms of that magnitude, no stronger though. The weaker ones don't amuse me much. However, I'll pass on the hurricane locations too.
Posted by: peddidle | July 27, 2005 at 10:14 AM