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These are love birds they are native to Africa although have been growing steadily in number in the Arizona area due to accidental releases, or so I have read...


I live in Canada and have a pet love bird. It seems funny to see them wild!

Bronwyn Anderson

I live in Phoenix. Last year I would put my lovebirds outside in their cage to enjoy the weather. One day I freaked out because it appeared my two had gotten out and were ontop of their cage. It took a second to realize that it was two different lovebirds that had come to talk with mine. (probably trying to tell them to get free from their cage)Anyways, every day after that I noticed more and more were coming. I put out seed and other treats for them. As posted earlier it stated they might migrate south for winter, I am assuming thats where they went. What I am curious to know is when do they come back. I have missed their visits and am looking foward to seeing them again! If anyone can say approx. time they start to see them, I would like to know!
Thanks, Bronwyn

dcks guantero

april 5, 2006
hi! i came across ur write-up and looking for lovebirds (african) info and this that came out. It surprise me coz' in the Philippines (Bulacan) its my hobby of breeding them. So far, I have about twenty mutations in my aviary, from mauve,sea green, cinnamon to peachedface and orange face lutino, albino and isabel. Their country of origin is from Madagascar and other part of African.
Well, nice to read ur column see u again.

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