There was a fire a few houses down from my aunt's. One house burned to the ground, the one next to it caught fire, and the winds were blowing ash and flame further and further. Things didn't look good for the little house. The firemen came and worked like demons in hell to put the flames out. The houses are all so close-set on that block. Finally they succeeded. But then the power went out. The whole block was without air conditioning. On the worst possible day, too. It got to 115 F, and I don't care who says "yeah but it's a dry heat", it's still unbearable.
So auntie and Biscuit came to stay with me for the afternoon. I was sorry for their troubles, but what a fun houseguest! The doggers weren't happy, of course. They wouldn't behave, so I had to shut them out of the back rooms. That left Biscuit free to roam.
He spent some time climbing, exploring and getting oriented.
When he got comfortable enough to play, he became quite the rowdy rascal.
He got a little overconfident and fell, and for once, the camera clicked at just the right moment. We laughed so hard!
He dashed off. Wounded dignity, I guess. That made us laugh even harder.
A few seconds later he sauntered back in, climbed onto his mom's lap and casually draped himself there like nothing had happened. But I swear, he's sticking his tongue out at me here.
UPDATE: Be sure to visit this week's Friday Ark for more animalphotos!
UPDATE: Visit LabCat for this week's Carnival of the Cats!
Cats and their easily-wounded dignity. Oh, and insousiance and touchiness and arrogance and... gosh, cats are so much more like people than dogs...
Our daughter's cat is visiting with us while she's a couple of hundred miles away getting her "settling in" situation taken care of (new place, new job, new mechanic for the car we bought her than her dad thoughtfully put fuel system cleaner in so... long story. *sigh*).
So, Bandit gets to play a LOT with Jaxson. Gets alternately hissed and swatted at or ignored by the two lady cats, generally ignored by the two LARGE dogs.
A happy camper, cos at least he has no inaccessible parrott to torment him, as in his former residence and the dogs stay away from his food.
I bet Jaxson and Bandit would have loads of fun with Biscuit. Looks like their kinda cat.
Posted by: David | June 24, 2005 at 03:36 PM
I love it when cats fall off of things, which they do, often. They always put this phony "I meant to do that!" look on their faces and sulk off for a few minutes to regain their composure. I love that you captured just the right moment.
Posted by: julie | June 24, 2005 at 11:32 AM
I couldn't see any signs of trauma, other than the usual kitten-schizo-ness. But then, sadly, I don't get to see him every day. I hope he suffers no lasting emotional scars!
Posted by: Christine | June 24, 2005 at 08:36 AM